Don't Let Halloween Night Become Your Own Horror Story

The night of October 31 st has become a night of kids and families going door to door trick or treating. When I was a kid we just went door to door and didn’t see any decorations or anything. Now it seems that more and more people are putting out decorations and setting up their own mini scare house. Your home can be a great place for families to visit. If someone gets injured on your property while trick or treating that could spell for some very bad news. It could open you up for a lawsuit. Here is a list of things to be aware of to make your home as safe as possible for your visitors on Halloween. Turn on your lights and make sure the walkway is well lit. Remove any potential tripping hazard Place a divider where your decorations are to prevent kids from running to them. Make sure your decorations aren’t in the way of walkable traffic If it’s windy, remove anything that is hanging that might get blown awa...