Legacy Award Winner 2016

Today, Raymond & Rebecca Grim were informed that Raymond E. Grim Agency LLC will be the recipient of the prestigious Legacy Award from the Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce. This is the highest level of business recognition offered by the Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce that encompasses the areas of El-Mirage, Sun City, Sun City West, Surprise, and Youngtown.


The Raymond E. Grim Agency LLC has been a member of the Surprise community since 2001.  During that time the agency has won numerous customer service awards, district awards, and state awards.  The agency has been a consistent sponsor of youth and high school sports in the community.  


At the event, the agency will be recognized as a leader and a business that is actively engaged in building our community. Raymond & Rebecca is asking family members, business associates, employees, and friends who will share this poignant and moving experience with them.


The event each year has a unique theme and is fun and casual affair that will please all those that attend. This networking and Legacy Awards event will feature music, dancing, champagne, heavy hors d’oeuvres, dessert, a cash bar, and a mystery silent auction with all proceeds benefiting the Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce, which advocates for a pro-business climate and promotes a vibrant and healthy business community.


The businesses being honored understand the importance of giving back and supporting their communities, so as honorees, they also help sell tickets, tables, and sponsorships for the awards dinner, which is raising much-needed funds to support the mission of the Chamber. Click here for more info.



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